All objects are made up of atoms. T connect or bond atoms, pressure is required. That pressure stored in atoms has an opposite force -i.e. tensional extraction opr pull. Every atom in every object is theoretically exerting tensional extraction (pull) and those extractions are concentrated outward on the surface atoms.
What is gravitational force ?
The atomic pengraletic tensional extractions above the surface atoms of an object are what we called gravitation. This force does not depend only on the quantity of atoms but also to the pressure stored in those atoms- therefore to the density & temperature of an object.
In constant object & volume: the closer those atoms in an object & the tighter their bonding, the more concentrated their tensional extracting (gravitational) force or pulling influence.
Scientific evidence of the atomic pengraletic tensional extraction
A side (part) of an atom that has stronger tensional extraction (pull) is slender (shorter in diameter) than to the portion with greater pressure. we can see through powerful scanning tunneling microscope such scientific pengraletic tensional slendering and atomic capacitoric pressured bumping from molecularly bonded atoms of a solid metallic element.
Note in the scientific photograph of gold atoms that some atoms are smaller (slender) and some are bigger. In them are stored pengraletic tensional extractions (pulls) and capacitoric pressures, respectively. The exerters of those pressures & tensional extractions are the tiny particles (i.e. ßeta photons) of electrons. (In piezoelectric phenomenon, pressure & extraction can be converted into electricity. Electricity is a quantity of electric flowing electrons.) Tension here is a tightening stretch, which is an opposite of thrust (pressure).
Absolute constitution of electron
It is a fact that electron rays of opposite charges when mutually collided will decompose into gamma rays. Gamma photons compose the gamma rays. Therefore, electrons are composed of externally magnetic-active gamma photons. The externally, magnetically active gamma photons are what we called ßeta photons. Beta ray is composed of ßeta photons.
Photons are active unified field entities, which can be externally active with electric & magnetic properties (filents) -as in ßeta photons- or inactive with those electrofilents & magnetofilents externally (as in gamma photons). Perpendicular to electrofilent is the magnetofilent, both are kept intact by the gravitenderic, which theoretically exerts tension.
Master entity (photon) is a unified tenderons (gravitenderic, magnetofilent, & electrofilent).
What is gravity ?
Gravity is a measure of how much bent (deflection) can be produced by an energy.
The bending of energy (ray of photons) is a suggestive to gravitational force. As the energy’s curvature increases more & more, its gravity grows stronger. this is why the trapped & chained energies (photons), like ßeta photons, are curve, forming an atom. As the bulk or curve of an atom in its capacitoric region is bigger, its tribonic tensional extraction (gravitation) & cold field (arepellic tribons) are stronger.
Differences between Gravity and Mass
Gravity is always associated to mass because this force is easily noticed between mutually attracting bodies that have masses.
Gravity is cumulative unified tribonic tensional extractions stretched from the atoms of an object as a reaction to stored capacitoric pressures in the inner sides of the object’s atoms. These tribonic tensional extractions are equal but opposite (or a reaction) to the pressures in the capacitoric regions of the atoms. Those capacitoric pressures are caused by the repulsive action of the capacitoric ßeta photons & pengraletic ßeta photons. The pengraletic ßeta photons are inserted into the capacitoric region which results to a repulsion, giving an effect of pressure. The pengralet reduced in length (or pengraletic ßeta photons are inserted in the capacitoric region) because of the extraction of electromagnetic photons (e.g. heat radiant) from in the atom or pengralet. This only means that the e-photons can increase the length of the pemgralet. Extraction of e-photons has a collateral effect,i.e., exertion of tribonic tensional extraction (or gravity). Therefore, the true gravity of an object can be determined not in vacuum (emptiness) but in a space or place with absolute zero temperature. The volume of such object is reduced due to shortening of pengraletic bonds but its atoms become bigger due to increased capacitoric pressures. the curvature (diameter) of an atom in that condition is wider that when there is a disturbance of heat.
Mass, on the other hand, is a measure of how much acceleration can be produced by a force. Mass may mean also ‘can be altered its velocity by a force.’ It is a product of ‘energy times electric constant times magnetic constant.’ Expenditure of energy in the ‘ product of acceleration & distance ‘ is mass. Therefore, mass is an interference between counterbalancing energies. Example of counterbalancing energies are the mutually colliding gamma rays under a strong magnetic field. If a strong force (foreign gravity, magnetic field, or electric field) disturbs the energies’ tenderons (gravitenderic, magnetenderons, or electenderons, respectively), the energies’ reaction to that disturbance is what we call ‘interference’ or mass.
Therefore, mass is a reaction of energy’s filents to external foreign forces. To become mass, the energy’s electric & magnetic properties (or filents) must be reactive to external disturbances.
Mass is a measure of reaction due to action (force). This reaction is calculable by the amount of acceleration. Why? Because the massless electromagnetic photons have a constant speed of light, whereas the ßeta photons with mass have a changeable velocity slower than the speed of light.
Why every object has tribonic tensional extracting field or gravity ?
we can know it by close scrutinizing its atoms. Atoms of molecules or objects have two major facing sides: (1) the innerward or inner portion, and (2) the outerward or surface portion. As we have learned , the pengraletic bonds on the faces of the surface atoms are disconnected, whereas on the inner atoms are connected.
Pengralets are cords or bonds that connect atoms to form molecules. These cords (bonds) are the external electrons junctioned to the capacitoric portions in the back of atoms. The capacitoric portion, which is inside the atom, is junctioned to inductoric portion (a concentrical-like layer of ßeta photons). Capacitoric & inductoric ßeta photons are what we called atomic electron (or internal electron).
Electromagnetic photons (or e-ray) have two major directions: (1) inward - absorption and intrusion, and (2) outward - emission and extraction. Both inward and outward e-photons have effects in or on the atom.
Intrusion of e-photons (electromagnetic ray)
Intrusion of e-photons (e.g. heat radiant) into the atom will result to photoelectric repulsion, a phenomenon in which the atomic ßeta photons are pengraletically stretched outward. This outward stretching is happening too in tribo-ßeta photons (tribons) is a disconnected pengraletic bond of surface atom, and what happened to pengralet may happen too to tribonic. It seems that the intruding e-photons become temporarily a part of the atom (as if, some of its photons are converting into ßeta), increasing the force of the atom.
when the immediate neighborhood atom (in the molecule) ‘feels’ this extra force, repulsion will exist between them (atoms).
as a result the atom’s back (capacitoric region) will reduce in size, the atoms will repel, and the pengralet between them will incraese in length. Tensional extraction exists between inner capacitoric portion & immediate outer pengralet, the opposite force of this tension exists on the front or tribons. That force is tribonic pressure, which makes the atom’s condition acohaeric. Acohaeric tribo-photons are punchy, and that acohaeric punchy tribons are what we called heat energy.
The stretching of pengralet (pengraletic electron bond) is deductively determined by the lengthening of an element when heat energy is added.
At 25° C of the length 100 000 femtometers per every degree of kelvin, the silicon’s pengraletic bond increases in length by 2.6 femtometers. It is equivalent to 0.000 026 % of 100 thousand femtometers. Since 25° C has an equivalent heat for 1 meter long element and the added 1 K has also an equivalent heat, this will give us an idea that a particular amount of energy when intruding the atom will give a particular length of reaction to the pengraletic ßeta photons. The increased lengths of pengralets of some elements are listed below and compared to their atomic radii.
Element Atomic radius Increased length per
(in femtometer) kelvin per 100 000 fm
Zinc 134 000 fm 1.16 fm
Silicon 111 000 fm 2.6 fm
Tungsten 139 000 fm 4.5 fm
Iron 126 000 fm 11.8 fm
Gold 144 000 fm 14.2 fm
Copper 157 000 fm 16.5 fm
Aluminum 143 000 fm 23.1 fm
In the list above, the shortest (pengraletic) length increase is 1.6 femtometer of zinc, equivalent to 0.000 011 6 % of 100 thousand femtometers, and the longest is 23.1 fm or 231 % . There is 165 % length increase in a copper wire at 25° C by raising 1 kelvin of temperature. it may prove that inside (or outside) an atom, a photoelectric interaction happens between the intruding electromagnetic photons & atomic ßeta photons which causes repulsion, resulting to (1) increase of pengraletic length and of acohaeric condition of tribons, and (2) constriction of inductoric layers of ßeta photons in the atom.
The amount of shrank length of anlagyurtal per absorbed electromagnetic photons (e.g. UV) or energy is possibly determinable by the formula
L iß = H / E ,
where L iß is the length of shrink, E is the energy of the radiation (light ray, heat ray, etc.), and H is the quotient of e²/(4πε), where e is the constant electron’s electric cahrge, π is the constant pi, and ε is the electric constant.
If this is correct, then an electron radiation use to measure the size of the atomic nucleus will reduce the size of the affected layers of ßeta photons down to more or less 2 femtometers or ooo ooo ooo oo2 meter.
The number of tribonic (disconnected pengralet) can affect the integrity of the capacitoric pressures, which in gaseous molecules will, due to inductoric constriction, let tiny overlappings of inductoric layers to occur and affect the outermost layer of the atom which usogamatically detected as spectral LAYERS and spectral LINES.
Extraction of e-photons
It is known as Redoña Law of darkening a hole that a sudden coercive separation of a hot material (e.g. guasar or daughter galaxy) will result to extraction of some electromagnetic photons from the immediate surface atoms.
At ordinary environment, e-photons ‘reside’ in/on the atoms and can be detected as heat radiant or infrared when emitted, it is because of the fact that various e-rays are striking to the atoms from different sources. extracting e-photons from the atoms (like in the phenomenon of galactic giving birth)) will cause the pengraletic & tribonic ßeta photons to react. The reaction is oppositely directed, that is, inward to the atoms. The tribonic extraction here is an arepellic condition. Arepellic tribo-photons are what we called cold (dark) energy. The tension of this tribonic extraction is an atomic gravi-unit. A group of cumulative unified atomic gravi-units is what we called gravity. Detection between gravities (of object) is what we called gravitation. Moving gravitation is the gravitational force (e.g. weight).
Gravity is the tension extracting field of an object carried (exerted) by tribo-photons or disconnected pengraletic electron bonds cumulated from the reaction to capacitoric pressures in the atoms. To easily visualize it, the inner pengraletic ßeta photons store the capacitoric pressures in the atoms, whereas the tribo-ßeta photons (tribons on the surface of everry atom) store the tensional extractions (suggesting that any atoms which have tribons are having too stored tensional extractions).
Think of a rubber sheet, when there is a pressure on it, there must be a tensional extraction -pulling back the sheet to its former condition & shape. It is a matter of action (pressure) and reaction (tensional extraction).
This Gravitational Electronomic Theory suggests another phenomenon. TEMPERATURE CAN AFFECT GRAVITY. Although for ordinary environment do we have, temperature seems has nothing to do with the gravity; but in an environment with a temperature near to or in the absolute zero, something effect happens to the gravity of an object.
It is opposite to the hotter surrounding, in which atoms of gaseous molecules -supposed to be will be immediately sipped by the great gravity of a planet - can move against the gravitational field. This is because the proportion of tribonic pressure (acohaeric condition) on gaseous molecules is greater than their stored tribonic tensional extraction.
In an environment with strong arepellic (cold) field, like in a dark galactic womb (known as black hole), however, the tribonic extraction is tremendously strong from the surface atoms & inner atoms of the wall to the hole. we can say that the true size and gravity of a molecule can be determined inside the strongest galactic black hole, where which no disturbances of heat and e-photons can disturb the ßeta photons of the atom. It suggests that the absolute (true) diameter of an atom is bigger in the strongest arepellic (cold) field than we formerly thought.
See the atoms of an object. Their atoms are connected to & by the pengraletic bonds (also called interatomic forces, but visible as electron’s particles ). To become an object, atoms must be connected by their pengralets.
However, the supposed to be a single object (e.g. QuasMosPecTrum) of the Universe was fragmented. And its fragments were exploded into parcels; and those parcels are fragmenting into pieces, which are detonaing & would become more minute pieces. These pieces then exploded and turned into parts, which are broken into bits, then the bits fragmented into dots. Some of those dots are the planets, mons, and asteroids.
What we can expect ?
There is a tendency for all those dots of bits of parts of pieces of pieces of parcels of fragments to become a single object again so that their atoms will be connected again to & by pengralets. And that tendency is due to disconnected pengralets (i.e. tribons) on their surface atoms.
Usogamatically speaking, gravity is the giant version of a cut (disconnected) pengralet, as the molecule is the lilliputan (miniature) version of an object.
The disconnected (cut) pengralet has a tendency to seek a connection. Two disconnected pengraletic electron bonds of two unconnected surface atoms will try to connect themselve. And their detection to each other, usogamatically, is a gravitational force. Since those atoms are not connected, their velocities are affected by the pulls they exert to, when drawing near, each other.
Suppose to be all objects must form into a gran single Object. Presume this gran Object as a rectangular prism of soft-but-untearable rubber. Pushing inward to this rectangular rubber will produce a reaction (i.e. pulling backward). These pushing and pulling are eqaul but opposite forces. By nature, all things are trying to connect to each other by a variety of those opposite forces.
Intrinsic Attractions
North magnetic pole attracts south magnetic pole - Filent
Western electric field attracts eastern electric field - Filent
Alpha-photons (proton) attract beta-photons (electron) - Subatomic
Hydrogen atom attracts hydrogen atom - Atomic
Water molecule attracts water molecule - Molecular
Oil attracts oil - Substance
Object attracts object - Object
It is an inherent condition of any physical entity to be attracted. we can trace back this inherence to the master entity (unified field entity). Its southern side is supposed to be protruding, while its northern side is sucking. The western side is spitting, whereas the eastern side of the unified field entity is sipping. Therefore, the tendency of the north magnetofilent is to suck available south magnetofilent, or of the east electrofilent is to sip the available west electrofilent, and these are the very tiniest & primary forms of intrinsic coition & tropism. The two differently oriented filents (magnetofilent & electrofilent) are unified to the gravitenderic body.
Unified field tension - G r a v i t e n d e r i c
Unified field tensional extraction - Quantum attractive force
Photonic tensional extraction - Photoelectric attractive force
Ionic (Beta) tensional extraction - Positive (Eastern) Charge
Electric tensional extraction - Positive charge field
Pengraletic tensional extraction - Interelectron attractive force
Atomic tensional extraction - Interatomic attractive force
Molecular tensional extraction - Intermolecular attractive force: Vander Waals
Compound/Substance tensional extraction - a d h e s i o n
Object tensional extraction - gravitation
Different attractive forces have one in common, i.e., they are all originating from the absolute components of matter (that is, the unified field master entities).
The strongest is the gravitenderic which keeps intact the electrofilent in the eastern-western direction and, perpendicularly, the magnetofilent in the northern-southern direction of the master entity: strongest for smallest entity but weaker for bigger substance.
The force for every electromagnetic quantum is the unified field tensional extraction, whereas to form ßeta photons (electrons) is the photonic tensional extraction.
The influence exerted between electron and proton (alpha-photons or gluonic-photons-ßeta-photons) is the ionic (ßeta) tensional extraction, well known as positive charge.
When electrons are fired from a cathode, the anode (positive terminal) exerts the electric tensional extraction, which is adhesive to cathode (electron) rays.
Beta photons forming concentric-like layers in atom and interactive communion with other electrons of other atoms have pengraletic tensional extraction (visible through STM as shrank portion of an atom’s side).
Interatomic attractive force is considered as the atomic tensional extraction, whereas Vander Waals force is the molecular tensional extraction.
Compound or substabce tensional extraction is well known as adhesion, and the like.
The weakest among these forces is the object tensional extraction (or gravitation).
All these forces become possible because of the ability of tribons or photons to be stretched zillion times than a photon’s diameter and to extend their influences to the approached foreign tribons or ßeta photons. It suggests that a force is not an empty (vacuum) influence but absolutely composed of portions of ßeta photons.
Theoretically, the force of gravity can be strengthened or weakened depending on some conditions or energies.
During explosion the force of gravity around parcels of the exploded object imay be overpowered by the kinetic energy of those parcels. Kinetic energy in this case is caused by the released capacitoric pressure. It suggests that the kinetic energy is absorbable by atoms, suggesting that it has a diffinite quantity of entities.
Credits : photograph of Gold atoms - Science Photo Library/ Physics Today The World Book Encyclopedia of Science, page 15. Verlagsgruppe Bertelsmann International GmbH, Munich 1984 published by World Book, Inc., Chocago, revised edition 1987.
drawing of radioelectric atom - Allan Poe Bona Redoña
photograph of Silicon atoms - International Business Machine/Science Photo Library (The Guinness Book of Records 1990, page 75. Guinness Publishing Ltd. 1989)